Welcome to Wise Men Wednesday, your weekly dose of timeless wisdom to thrive both at work and at home.
Podcasts from this week:
Overcoming Loneliness, the Number One Enemy of Our Time with Dr. John Delony:

Dr. John Delony is a bestselling author, mental health expert, and host of The Dr. John Delony Show. He has two PhDs and over two decades of experience in counseling, crisis response, and higher education. John’s goal is to help you navigate tough decisions, improve your relationships, and believe you’re worthy of being well.
In my conversation with John, you’ll discover:
-Trading communication for connection…01:07
-What does real friendship look like?…05:55
-The number one enemy of our time, and how to defeat it…10:07
-How do you get nourished if you’re providing stability in the lives of others?…17:30
-Stop solving for discomfort, start solving for connection…20:20
-Do coworkers make good friends?…23:40
-The one thing that will get you fired at John’s business…27:11
-We’re not missing friendships, we’re dying from them…33:50
-Are we expecting too much of our spouses with our relational starvation?…36:00
The Seven “F’s” Which are Key to Living a Joyful and Fulfilling Life, How and Where to “Log Off”, How the Last Supper Plates Have Grown 67% and Much More w/ Dry Dock CEO Tim Schmidt:
Tim Schmidt has spoken globally for over 20 years, inspiring audiences from Bali to Boston and Malaysia to Minneapolis. His unique life experiences as the son of an international teacher and adventurer have prepared him to inspire and disrupt entrepreneurs, executives, and clients with his life wisdom, insightful humor, and courageous accountability.
In my conversation with Tim Schmidt, you’ll learn:
-The backstory of “The Seven F’s”…02:51
-The one F that is most neglected among corporate executives…08:08
-Can you really have “inner circle” friends at work?…10:17
-Advice for parents with an adult child who won’t leave the nest…15:00
-Why parents need to be more “vulnerable” with their children…22:40
-Show gratitude for the good things, but also acknowledge the bad…26:06
-Why you should own and communicate your grief to others…32:57
-How Tim built a church by listening to his market (disenchanted churchgoers)…42:27
-How to maintain the progress you make following the 7 F’s…52:07
Blending the F’s
-What is “faked fitness”?…01:03:47
-How to literally “log off” and “screenless Sundays”…1:06:12
-The Quandahl Challenge to those who think they can’t leave their iPhones for longer than 30 minutes…01:10:58
-And much more!
Why Lifestyle Entrepreneur Jason Wright Left a Steady Gig to Pursue Real Freedom:
Jason Wright purchased his first company at 28. He spent the next sixteen years owning and operating multiple businesses, from restaurants to real estate to construction. Jason outlines his entrepreneurial escape from corporate confines in his book, Push Play: Taking Your Life Off Pause.
In my conversation with Jason Wright, you’ll learn:
-Plan B (bankruptcy)…08:18
-How would Jason feel about himself had he stuck with the corporate plan…15:06
-What was the “last straw” that led to Jason leaving his corporate gig…16:51
-Why climbing the corporate ladder wasn’t Jason’s cup of tea…02:18
-How to have the confidence you won’t sink if you take a risk…20:24
-Getting started as an entrepreneur without ditching your job right out the gate…28:00
-What Jason is working on right now…33:05
-Is “enough money” an amount or a state of mind?…41:16
-What free things bring Jason joy?…45:57
-How to foster a healthy mentality in our children…52:31
-How to thrive at home and at business…58:46
-Considering balance when designing the day…1:04:26
Podcast I was a guest on this week:
The James Altucher Show: Make You a Millionaire! James Quandahl EP04: When you’re good at something, make a course out of it!
“James Quandahl is back in the series again! He is great at being an Amazon Ninja! However, being great at something doesn’t mean you have to stop there! In this episode, we broke down how he can transfer the skill into making a course, another spoke-and-wheel opportunity for him! Like any other episode, this is not a regular interview series, we also talked about chess, writing, and books!”

Words of Wisdom from Never Eat Alone, by Keith Ferrazzi
You should be governed by the idea that one should seek first to understand, then to be understood. We’re often so worried about what we’re going to say next that we don’t hear what’s being said to us now.
There are a few ways to signal that you are interested and listening actively. Take the initiative to be the first person to say hello. This demonstrates confidence and immediately shows your interest in the other person. When the conversation starts, don’t interrupt. Show empathy and understanding by nodding your head and involving your whole body in engaging the person you’re talking with. Ask questions that demonstrate (sincerely) you believe the other person’s opinion is particularly worth seeking out. Focus on their triumphs. Laugh at their jokes. And always, always, remember the other person’s name. Nothing is sweeter to someone’s ears than their own name. At the moment of introduction, I visually attach a person’s name to their face. Seconds later, I’ll repeat the person’s name to make sure I got it, and then again periodically throughout the conversation.
If All Else Fails, Five Words That Never Do:
“You’re wonderful. Tell me more.”
Have a great rest of the week!
James Quandahl