
Boredom is the Superpower You’ve Always Wanted

When was the last time you were bored?  It’s an uncommon phenomenon in today’s reality of 24/7/365 connection with a plethora of dings, rings, notifications, and alerts from the smart TVs, phones, and computers that are always within arm’s reach of us… But, when I think back to when I was a kid I recall […]


I’m Terrified Inside My Cookie Cutter Life

I don’t know anything about true fear. As I write this I’m sitting in a climate controlled apartment at a perfect 72 degrees, sipping a piping hot cup of freshly ground organic coffee that’s sitting on top of an elevated clay platform being kept warm by a tea light.  Just outside my window, working hard […]


After Retiring At Age 29, I Discovered We’re Made To Work

Last week Nick Huber sent this Tweet and I replied, “We are made to work. We aren’t made for sitting around golfing everyday.” “Did some financial planning with my wife recently. We learned we can do exactly what we do for the rest of our lives while still saving a good chunk just off our […]


When A Little Of Something Innocent Becomes A Lot Of Something Dangerous

I’m walking home from church with my wife and I begin venting about another member in our Bible study group. “She never stops talking!” “Why does she annoy me so much?” “She always needs to be the center of attention.” “I can’t stand her. Why does she even come to our class?” I’m in a […]


What My Northern Friends Can Learn From Southern Hospitality

After living in the south for a couple of years I returned home to Michigan for a visit with my family. My sister and I took a walk through her neighborhood and I smiled and waved at every person we came across.  I waved at her neighbor across the street getting into their car. No […]


Be A Faithful Struggling Artist

It’s 10AM and the day is already getting away from me. If the clock strikes noon there is no way I will be able to get my work done. I drop my head into my hands and let out an audible groan.  “Why do I always let this happen?” Every week I publish two articles […]


How To Make Your Honeymoon Last Forever

After walking from the altar to my car, eager to embark upon our honeymoon vacation up in the Appalachian Mountains, I put my foot down on the gas pedal and immediately felt a loud crunch. I dropped my head into my hands realizing we had just gotten into a car accident. I got out of […]


Love Your Neighbor Like John The Baptist

Are you living a blessed life? Do you have a job?  10.1 million Americans do not. (Jan 2021; Do you spend time with friends and family that love you? 35 million Americans live alone and 3 of 5 Americans self report as being lonely (US Census, Cigna) Do you know where your next meal […]


After A Heart Attack A Neighbor Became My Friend

I walked out my front door and onto the screened in porch, put on my shoes, and headed out on my daily afternoon walk. My neighborhood Bible study was studying a book about the Spirit written by Francis Chan titled, Forgotten God. My ears were attuned to listening to the Spirit’s call for me and […]


The Roadrunner & Concussions: Building A Habit Of Trust

Have you ever rolled down a beautifully mowed grassy hill? 20 years ago as teenagers my friends and I spent a lot of time outdoors. This was back before there were cellphones and when our moms would flick the porch lights on and off to signal it was time to come in for dinner. The […]