Welcome to Wise Men Wednesday, your weekly dose of timeless wisdom to achieve complete life balance.
Posts from this week:
From Nutraceuticals World—Astaxanthin: Decades of Research and a Wide Net of Benefits:

At Natural Products Expo East, Karen Hecht of AstaReal highlighted this cornerstone ingredient with entrepreneur and interviewer James Quandahl.
“In a discussion with entrepreneur and host of the eponymous podcast The James Quandahl Show, Karen Hecht, scientific affairs manager at AstaReal, discussed with Quandahl a variety of clinically-evidenced benefits of supplementing with astaxanthin, a carotenoid which naturally occurs in algae. This ingredient has grown substantially in popularity over recent years for its apparent role in supporting a variety of functions and has been evidenced to be beneficial on a cosmetic level, to be beneficial to overall cognitive health, and to be supportive of a healthy aging process based on its potent antioxidant activity.
AstaReal is a leading global cultivator and producer of astaxanthin and its ingredients, and oversees the growth and harvesting of its algae in a manufacturing facility in Washington.”
Podcasts from this week:
James Quandahl Put in the Hot Seat by Wife Emily to Discuss Life Balance, Family Board Meetings, Achieving Financial Freedom and Much More!:

Why would my wife be nervous about her voice being heard on my podcast?
Because hearing one’s voice on a podcast is a little bit unnerving for anyone, even grizzled veterans like myself (yes, I know I’ve published only 10 episodes; humor me here for the sake of dramatic effect.)
But as you’ll hear, my dear Emily acquitted herself impeccably in her maiden podcast voyage.
So what will you hear in this episode?
Well, you’ve heard me interview numerous experts in the realms of family, finance, health and much more, but I wanted to give you the listener a little taste of what motivates me to produce this show week in and week out.
Some time ago, I made a list of goals I wanted to achieve in my life – and hosting my own podcast was one of them.
That’s the short answer.
The longer answer is I wanted to produce a show that would be a resource for friends, family and strangers alike to find balance in their lives. The illustration I like to use is Zig Ziglar’s 7 “spokes” on the wheel: Spiritual, Physical, Intellectual, Family, Social/Community, Finance, Career
So enjoy this episode, and I hope you come away with knowing me and this show a little bit better!
Here’s a little bit of what you’ll hear in this episode:
-The purpose of the James Quandahl Show…0:55
-How James describes “life balance”…03:30
-James’ biggest weakness opportunity…07:30
-James’ biggest strength…09:00
-How James runs the “family board meeting”…10:20
-How James fills and balances each “bucket”…19:00
-And much more!
Have a great rest of the week!
James Quandahl