If time is our most valuable resource, then connection and presence is the greatest gift we can give. Emily Quandahl joins her husband in this second installment of a series on Presence. Listen in for 14 strategies they use in their marriage to stay connected and present with one another.
Here’s what you’ll hear in this episode:
-Learn to speak your spouse’s love language…01:40
-Games at dinner!…03:00
-Sharing meals together and slowing down; make it a sacred activity…05:15
-Daily walks; rain or shine…07:30
-See the sunset as often as possible…09:51
-Rituals; create a legacy of rituals for your family…13:40
-Family board meetings…17:30
-Support and encourage dream fulfillment…18:25
-Shared hobbies…19:45
-Phase? What phase? Never grow out of the honeymoon…21:10
-Date nights…22:20
-Surprise! Love notes and unexpected gifts…26:05
-Screenless Sundays…28:30
Resources mentioned in the episode: