Welcome to Wise Men Wednesday, your weekly dose of wisdom to thrive at work and at home.
Posts published this week:
I Walked into my Boss’s Office and Quit!
All of my troubles were solved and I could finally be my own boss. With one year of savings, I ended my career of two decades and moved across the country to start my own business. In this judgment I was completely wrong. My troubles had just begun.
Shortly after my friend and mentor Tom retired I no longer wanted to have a lifelong career in retail. He didn’t get a Best Buy discount for life, he wasn’t offered discounted health insurance, from my point of view he barely even got any recognition. My managers told me Tom was the first person to ever retire from the company and the lack of support in place for this was astounding and disappointing. They couldn’t even answer basic questions about his stock option investment timetables.
An industry or company that had no plan in place for folks that invested decades into the company wasn’t for me.
I came to the conclusion that if I wasn’t going to work there for the next 50 years, why continue to work there for the next five?
My job was great! I was respected by my peers, had complete control of my schedule, my tasks, and my work each day. But was required to be in the building 5 or 6 days a week for 10-12 hours a day.
As much control as I had inside the building, there was zero control of where I worked or how often. No matter how efficient I was in my efforts, I had to be in that 45k square foot steel box, surrounded by fluorescent blue light, EMFs, and dust every single day.

Words of wisdom:

“Your mission matters because it matters to somebody else out there. That person is looking for you and trying to find you. If you focus and look for your uniqueness, you’d find them. But if you have diluted your focus, you’ll have diluted your results.”
Rory Vaden on the Entrepreneurs on Fire Podcast
Have a great rest of the week!
James Quandahl