Welcome to Wise Men Wednesday, your weekly dose of wisdom to thrive at work and at home.
Posts published this week:
Four Spiritual Disciplines That Will Help You and Your Business Grow:
You’ve heard countless times about the benefits of gratitude, self-examination, not sitting or standing all day, fasting, and the power of spending time in solitude, and focusing on your breath. The amount of scientific and anecdotal evidence supporting these practices is overwhelming, and so there is no reason you need to be convinced of their importance… Right?
I challenge you to assess your current routine and answer these questions:
Do you have a daily gratitude practice?
Do you spend time in self examination and ask yourself what you could have done better every day?
Do you connect with your body each day and get out your head by walking, dancing, lifting weights, doing jumping jacks, or other movement practices?
Do you ever sit quietly by yourself and just focus on your breath?
Do you sometimes spend 24 hours completely abstaining from food?
How many of those five questions did you answer yes to?
If you agree that you don’t need to be convinced of the importance of these spiritual disciplines, why aren’t you practicing them?
Make You a Millionaire Podcast with James Altucher, Episode 2 – Spoke & Wheel Techniques:
In this episode of the Make You A Millionaire podcast James and I break down my idea lists and use his Spoke & Wheel technique, from chapter 19 of Skip The Line, to come up with even more ideas. Next, we discuss which ideas can and should be developed further and monetized.
Words of wisdom:
“The pursuit of wealth drove me to self-discipline. It was a daily effort to do the things I knew I had to do, whether I wanted to or not. A strange resistance stood between my goals and me. I disciplined myself to attack the most unwanted tasks of each day first. I let no day pass without reviewing my goals. I let no day pass without exercise to ensure energy and peak state. I let no day pass without progress. Due to my goal of wealth, I developed the virtue of self-discipline to act whether I felt like it or not.”
The Wealthy Gardener, by John Soforic

Have a great rest of the week!
James Quandahl