Welcome to Wise Men Wednesday, your weekly dose of Christian wisdom to thrive at home and in your business.
Posts I published this week:
3 Deadly Sins And How To Overcome Them:
There are 3 primary sins you will often encounter on your Christian walk. Sins of the flesh, idolatry, and pride. And when you can identify them and have the right tools, you’ll be able to arrest the devil in his tracks.
“Gentleman, once you have found your core sins, find and memorize the Scripture verses that will help you to confront those sins. When you are being tempted, recall the Scripture and shove it down the devil’s throat and you will be victorious.” – Father Larry Richards
Most Leaders Don’t Know They Are Always On Stage:
“Your wife and kids do not want to hear about your work every-single-day. Venting to your wife is okay once in a while, but it will start to erode your marriage if it’s an everyday occurrence. Being the leader of your home requires you to put your work aside at the end of the day and be present and available for your family.”
Love Your Neighbor Like John The Baptist (Guest Post on Siggiblog):
“Writing this made me realize I’m not doing enough to help those around me. Far too often I forget how great my life is and I often believe I’ve earned these comforts I enjoy. That I’m responsible for them, but this is completely false. Everything in my life is a gift from God.”
In case you want to catch up on all the prior posts the full catalog is here.
Words of Wisdom:
“Goals convert vision into energy. When you lay out exactly what you want to do in detail, you immediately start feeling the room move and the earth shake. You are pulled into your new life like some scene from a movie. Goals help make great men. J. C. Penney once said, “Give me a stock clerk with a goal, and I will give you a man who will make history. Give me a man without a goal and I will give you a stock clerk.” EntreLeadership, by Dave Ramsey
“O, Holy Spirit, beloved of my soul, I adore You. Enlighten me, guide me, strength me, console me. Tell me what I should do. Give me your orders. I promise to submit myself to all that You desire of me and to accept all that you permit to happen to me. Let me only know Your will.” – Cardinal Mercier
This weeks top social post:
Quote from @randyalcorn in @bengreenfield‘s Sabbath Rambling today “Enough honey makes us happy. Too much honey makes us sick.”
— James Quandahl (@JamesQuandahl) February 14, 2021
Ben covers what we love about honey… and the *sticky* side of this delicious treat.https://t.co/mrZnO05hZE
Have a great rest of the week!
James Quandahl