
Having an Ownership Mentality

For a few years I worked for Tom. He was nearing retirement, but previously held some of the top executive jobs at different retailers. The period I worked for him was at the end of his career when he was leading a single store location. I respected Tom from day one. His experience spoke for […]


How to Become a Better Manager

Question from a reader: “As a manager what would you say the most valuable learning resources are (besides experience)?” 1. Be self aware 2. Observe other leaders (The good and the bad!) 3. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes  4. Role-playing 5. Read Books 1. Be self aware Take time to Pause and reflect: There […]


The crucial conversation lesson I learned the hard way

If you manage others you have probably ran into a similar situation to the story I am going to share. You may have handled it differently a with more skill than I, but my hope is that my error will improve the way you handle yourself in situations such as this in the future. A […]