
Being A Good Leader Takes Practice

Take a look in the mirror If you want to become a strong leader you must slow down enough to pause and look in the mirror. It’s a good idea for you to schedule time on your calendar at least once per month for this. For those of you that are hard charging achiever types […]


Most Leaders Don’t Know They Are Always On Stage

It took you years, possibly decades, to get to the top of your field. And now that you’ve reached the peak and look to your left and to your right you quickly discover… It can be quite lonely at the top.  It’s difficult to figure out who you can trust because it seems like whenever […]


Being Fired Poorly Taught Me How To Correctly Let Others Go

13 years ago and only weeks after receiving an extraordinary annual performance review and hosting CEO Mike Jeffries and his entourage in my store to receive the Best In Region award, I was pulled into an office with my district manager and an anonymous HR manager I’d never met on speaker phone. I was told […]


I’m Sorry Customers, You Aren’t Always Right

“I don’t think any other retail company in the world could do what I’m going to propose to you. It’s simple. It won’t cost us anything. And I believe it would just work magic, absolute magic on our customers, and our sales would escalate, and I think we’d just shoot past our Kmart friends in […]


The Customer Service Maxim “Under Promise And Over Deliver” Is A Lie!

For the next few weeks we’ll be diving deep into another important topic… World-class customer service.  In today’s post we will cover if the cliche phrase, “Under promise and over deliver” is a good plan for your business. Why you should build a team that represents the demographics of your community, how you should treat […]


70% Of Your Team Doesn’t Put Energy Or Passion Into Their Work. Use These 7 Strategies As A Fix.

The year is 2020. Full of political debate, a global pandemic, economic crisis, record breaking unemployment and amongst the folks still employed, Gallup reported a historic 20-year drop in employee engagement metrics. 54% of employees reported through Gallup’s employee surveys that they are not engaged. These employees are not actively disengaged, but instead they are […]


How to be a Dream Manager

Early in my career at Best Buy I worked for a leader named AJ. Everyone loved AJ. He made you feel like you were the most important person in the world, he always knew what was going on in your life, and he actually seemed to care about your personal future and career.  I had […]


5 Tactics To Take Your Performance Reviews From Ordinary to Extraordinary

Jesus replied: ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments. Matthew 22:37-40 (Emphasis mine) Last […]


Do You Have Kingdom Level Employee Benefits?

What are the key performance indicators (KPIs) for your business? Most executives focus on revenue, revenue growth, margin, net profit, cash flow, employee turnover/employee satisfaction, and net promoter score. But I wonder if these metrics are short sighted? Focusing on them may help with your next quarterly earnings call, but they aren’t eternal metrics.  What […]


I Walked into my Boss’s Office and Quit!

All of my troubles were solved and I could finally be my own boss. With one year of savings I ended my career of two decades and moved across the country to start my own business. In this judgement I was completely wrong. My troubles had just begun. Shortly after my friend and mentor Tom […]