Welcome to Wise Men Wednesday, your weekly dose of timeless wisdom to thrive both at work and at home.
Podcasts from this week:
Quit Feeling Guilty About Earning a Living! with Rabbi Daniel Lapin:
Rabbi Daniel Lapin known widely as America’s Rabbi, is a noted rabbinic scholar, best-selling author, and TV host. As one of America’s most eloquent speakers, his ability to extract practical life principles from the Bible and transmit them in a life-changing and captivating manner has brought thousands of Jews and Christians closer to their respective faiths. Pairing his inheritance as a descendant of a multi-generational rabbinical family with his background in science and business, he teaches ancient Jewish wisdom in an unparalleled manner.
In my conversation with Rabbi Lapin, you’ll discover:
-How misplaced guilt among the business community tilts the political landscape of a nation…01:10
-Why business people are looked upon with scorn and derision by the common man…09:30
-A different take on the Ten Commandments…18:38
-The “5 F’s” program…24:39
-Why all the 5 F’s are just as important as the other…29:39
-How to make real friends in today’s world…35:40
-How to nurture self-respect, and how it’s different from self-esteem…45:20
-How to pray to God wisely for abundance…52:35
-And much, much more!
Words of wisdom:
“It is wonderful how much work can be got through in a day, if we go by the rule— map out our time, divide it off, and take up one thing regularly after another. To drift through our work, or to rush through it in a helter-skelter fashion, ends in comparatively little being done. “One thing at a time” will always perform a better day’s work than doing two or three things at a time. By following this rule, one person will do more in a day than another does in a week.”
Thomas Mitchell, Essays on Life
Have a great rest of the week!
James Quandahl